The Nashville Scene

“The streets are paved with tourists and the record companies flourish” ~Hank Williams

Never been to Nashville so we decided to check out “The Scene”. And as Hank Williams sings, there are lots of tourists, many enjoying themselves too much and not taking COVID precautions. We decided to NOT walk the lower Broadway scene and the Honky Tonks. But I did get a little taste of the vibe at the traffic light!! LOL

National Corvette Museum

On the way-ish to Nashville, we stopped off in Bowling Green, KY. As an ex-owner and racer of a ’90 ZR1, visiting the National Corvette Museum was always something John wanted to do! So check this off the Bucket List! It truly was an interesting place and I was intrigued! I couldn’t have had a better tour guide! Some of the highlights of our tour….

  • The adorable little “hotshot” with the adorable head lights 🙂
  • The Entombed 54 Corvette – entombed in bricks when the husband found out his wife didn’t like riding in it!??
  • The carnage from the 2014 sink hole that swallowed 8 vintage Vettes. It was heartbreaking to see the ones that were beyond repair.
  • John “racing” again. Even if was just a simulation!
  • The gorgeous new mid engine 8th generation Corvette that we hope to win in the raffle! Drawing to be held in April 2021! Keep your fingers crossed!

Grand Ol’ RV Park

Our Nashville Home was a very sweet, family owned park aptly named Grand Ol’ RV Park! We met lots of great folks and even saw friends we made while hanging at Grand Design last week! Some folks were a little too friendly with their moonshine! Just sayin’!! Haven’t been that hungover since college days!

The Dicken Sightseeing Tour

Our tour started with the Grand Ole Opry! This is one HUGE tourist area complete with it’s own mall and grand hotel. Took us a minute but we finally found the Opry House. Walked the grounds, visited the tourist shop, looked for stars, snapped a few pics and a selfie and off we went.

Next stop the Parthenon. Located in Centennial Park, this full scale replica was built in 1897 for Tennessee’s centennial exposition. Why the Parthenon??? Nashville’s nickname is “Athens of the South”. The things you learn on your travels! 🙂

Well, now we can say we’ve been to the Parthenon in Athens, Greece and Nashville, TN!

Walking the grounds of Centennial Park we came across this peculiar island. Watching it for a few minutes we noticed it was moving!

Nashville’s Music Row…where the music is made! I walked the sidewalks where some of county’s best artists have walked, snapping pics. I wonder if these sidewalks were busier pre-COVID. Meanwhile my driver hung out in the truck waiting for me! That’s how the Dicken Sightseeing Tour rolls! 🙂

We enjoyed our time in Nashville despite the inconvenience of COVID. One day we will return when we can enjoy some of the tours and do some boot scootin’! Meanwhile, on to the next state…

Traveled 139 miles. 6 hours (Including a 4 hour tour @ Corvette Museum)