Wichita Revisited

Dorothy has landed! Haha!

Wichita Skyline

Back to See the Wizard

This stop was all about seeing the “wizards”! The doctors and dentists, the tags and taxes folks that demand our attention every year. For my newest readers, John and I called Wichita home before we took to life on the road, becoming nomads.  Even though we sold our “sticks and bricks” home, we are still Kansas residents until we claim domicile in another state.  And who knows where that will be…

All Seasons RV Park

Home for this venture was in Goddard, KS, just west of Wichita.  A family run park with very reasonable rates, $38 daily or $225 weekly.  You’re stacked in close to your neighbors in buddy sites. Alas, Wichita doesn’t have a lot of RV options. A huge plus are the trails in the back of the park; it’s like a mini prairie. But, most importantly, All Seasons is the perfect place to be in Kansas where the seasons change hourly!! These two pics were taken 4 hours apart! 🙂

My Happy Place

How much do I LOVE Sedgwick County Zoo!! More than all the silliness of the orangutans and the sweetness of the elephants. More than the playfulness of the otters and the majesty of the lions. And who better to walk the zoo with than my friend, Velma! Long time teacher friends with a past of their own silliness! Just sayin’! She captured pics of me doing what I love, teaching! 🙂

And what better way to finish a zoo day than with happy hour! Our partner in crime, Kim, joined us. It was triple trouble now! We laughed together for the next several hours at Emerson Biggins! More fun than Munchkin Land! LOL

Porch Pals

Definition: a group of six gals who congregate on porches for lunch, laughs, and liquid refreshments! 😎  I can’t say enough about the support of these special women in my life. We’ve weathered a lot together. Even though we don’t all live in Kansas anymore, we remain close. Lucky me, I get to see them on my travels.

So much fun enjoying Sunday Fundays with my Pals! It was a reunion of sorts at Mort’s, seeing familiar faces from our days gone by! The Rusty Nail was new to me and just as fun. Well, maybe that’s cuz where ever we go there is fun to be had! Love you Ladies!! 🙂

John’s Pals (LOL)

A trip to Wichita wouldn’t be complete without seeing John’s ‘work family.’ Seldom do you find these special friendships with work colleagues. This group has redefined work family!! John’s ‘work wife’, Laura, and her husband, Keith, hosted a wonderful afternoon barbecue so we could all gather together.  Sharing stories and reconnecting was so much fun!

Enjoyed a final farewell dinner with Laura and Keith at Jose Peppers. One of our fav places to enjoy Carne Asadas and Margaritas! Thanks!

Unexpected Repair

It’s always something! Our early mishap with the tire blow out continues to create issues. When the hydraulic hoses were replaced the worker bees didn’t route them back where they were supposed to be. So, over time they began to push on the under skirting material causing it to bow and collect rainwater from the road. Between the crazy winds and doctor appointments, John was able to replace it.

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Between being super busy with the wizards and the unexpected repair issue, we did our best to squeeze in visits. Apologies to those we didn’t see. And to the ones I forgot to take pics with, Lori, Jeannie, Tammy, and the Earhart Retirees!! We don’t love you any less! ❤

11 Awesome Quotes From The Wizard of Oz