Life in the Lowcountry

Wintering near our family at my Bro Tom’s Cabin is an absolute JOY!  We love the quiet of the “The Farm” surrounded by tall pines and moss-covered live oaks. We enjoy the sounds of the birds and the occasional squirrels can be seen playing in the trees.

After the first weekend we were hooked up to water and electric (Thanks Bro Bill).  And by week’s end the sewer was complete (Thanks Bro Tom). 

Just Where are the Dickens’????

In Green Pond, South Carolina. In the ACE Basin. In the Lowcountry.

Logistics of Life on the Farm

The closest stores are about 30 minutes away in any give direction (well except east, that would be the Atlantic Ocean!!)  So, I can’t just run out for that 6-pack!! I’ve added Bi-Lo and Food Lion to my growing list of grocery store reward cards. There is no trash service out here, so we haul trash and recycle to a community service center about 10 miles from us. That takes planning too! They’re only open on MWF.  Speaking of recycling it is sooo hard to find places to take recycling. This place only takes plastic (limited to bottles and jugs) and aluminum cans. No glass. No steel. ARGH!! We burn most of paper trash. On the plus side, our rent is cheap! 😊

The weather outside is…sometimes frightful! Not as cold as Wichita; but the purchase of a heated hose for the occasional dips in the temperatures keeps John from worrying. (Camper Tip #1: Buy on Amazon! Much cheaper than Camping World.) Coldest nights have been low teens and the coldest days around 40. (So far!!)  Mostly it averages around 40 at night and high 50s in the day. My thought…any day in the lowcountry is ‘put near heaven’! AND the plus, there are NO mosquitoes…right now!

Folks often ask how we get our mail. Well, it takes a while for the pony express to get to us! HAHA! Seriously, we use a mail forwarding service from Escapees. (Camper Tip #2: Join Escapees! They offer a lot of support services for RVers! And if you do, tell them I sent you! I’ll share the reward! 😊) Being mostly paperless, there isn’t a lot of mail to deal with.  But when there is we have it forwarded to Bro Tom’s house in Beaufort. (In the summer it goes to Mom’s house!) Online purchases are shipped there as well. The plus…No shipping charges from Bro Tom!

Our closest neighbors are pretty quiet!

Never a Lack of Projects

From repairing steps to cutting down trees, John continues to be OSHA’s worse nightmare! We have cut, trimmed, hauled, and burned over 40 trees opening up the road back to the property for easier access for our RVs.  And there’s still more to do!  

And then there’s Global Aces work!

November Highlights

December Highlights

1 thought on “Life in the Lowcountry

  1. Nancy says:

    Wow! Amazing travels, wonderful photos and words to match! Thanks for sharing and can’t wait for the next post! ☮️❤️🥰

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