I-90 Trek (Part Deux)

Leaving the Badlands in the rear view mirror, we continued our I-90 North by Northeast Trek. Final destination the Grand Design RV factory in Middlebury, Indiana. We have a full tank of gas and our sunglasses on! lol

Our 1st overnight was what I like to call the “Hilton” of the RV world, a KOA. After a week+ of boondocking, it was time to do some laundry. So a $60 nite with amenities was called for. Little did we know those plans would be changed by our new friends, Brenda and Matt. They left the Badlands hours before us and didn’t let on they were also going to the same KOA. So instead of doing laundry, we did happy hour! Life is Grand by Design!

Traveled 346 miles. 5 1/2 hours.

With dirty laundry in tow, we headed out the next morning with a quick pit stop. Following our friend’s advice we took the Beast in for a bath and experienced a truck wash! After waiting in line, we turned on some good tunes, drove the Beast in, and watched the suds wash over us! At least something got cleaned! Haha!

Next stop Iowa. Found a delightful little RV park on the outskirts of Iowa City right off the interstate, with full hook ups, fire pits AND laundry, for the incredible price of $33/night! (A former KOA site) The owner, Mike, was great. The place was clean, well taken care of, and full of weekenders. Who didn’t seem to mind my Clemson fever!!

Traveled 406 miles. 7 1/2 hours.

By Sunday all the chores were done and we were off again, listening to NFL on the radio. Next stop our final destination of this trek…Grand Design. Once again, there wasn’t much reading going on in the passenger seat. I didn’t want to miss the signs of fall, quirky attractions, and new vistas along the way. There is so much to see in this great country of ours!

When people ask why did we choose our RV, there are 3 answers I give. The layout, the storage, and the customer service of Grand Design.

And once again the customer service department didn’t disappoint. Not only did they look at the 2 issues we came with and scheduled us in for early May to fix them, they spent about an hour with us going over each item on our “if you have time list”! They also let us stay a few extra days in their FREE customer service camp area. That allowed us to rest, relax, restore, and plan our next adventure. For my Grand Design Owner Friends, we highly recommend taking a tour of the factory. Learning how they build our rigs from the chassis up gives you more insight on how to repair or do mods to your home on wheels. And the Amish communities in the area make for a great day trip!

Traveled 320 miles. 6 hours. 1 time zone change!