Back on Track

I’ve been working on this page since the beginning of September! Through frustrated tears I was almost ready to “chuck” the whole thing. John did some research and helped me find an easier way to upload the many pictures I want to use to tell my story. Now I hope to get caught up with the journal of our travels and adventures…starting with the BEST!

Camping with the Grands!

Coltan and Evan spent 4 days with us camping in the Snoqualmie National Forest. It was absolutely gorgeous surrounded by pines and cedars. With so many great trails and creeks to explore, our days were full. Followed by smore’s and music around the campfire, our nights were too!

The Grand Girls, Katy and Delaney, went to the Beach! I was in heaven! Although it was chilly and windy, we had the time of our lives! I loved watching Delaney dig to China and Katie combing the beach for treasures. We enjoyed kite flying, exploring tide pools, and watching the pelicans dive for fish! Of course there were smore’s and campfire songs and night hikes. So much fun!