Carolina Beach, NC

It’s not exactly the outer banks, but it’s a beach!! 🙂 With a deadline to be in SC by November 7, we couldn’t make it to the outer banks. Something else to look forward too! And since I have a good friend that lives near by we chose Carolina Beach.

And here we are… Our pull through site was not so pull through! Like the pro that he is, John, backed The Beast in between the pines. Easy Peasy! So excited for a fire pit! We haven’t enjoyed that since…hmmm…Montana! Not so excited for the stickers! 🙁

Traveled 280 miles. 5 hours 15 minutes.

Beach Day!

A perfect November Day! It’s been too long since this Ocean Child had her feet in the sand and salt in her hair. Someone asked me once how a place can mean so much to me, I still can’t put the answer into words that would make sense to anyone who doesn’t know my soul, my heart.

My heart was so happy to see the bright colors of the Gaillardia, aka Indian Blanket Flower. It was one of my Momma’s favorites and grew along the beach paths of my childhood. I always think of Momma when I see it!

Exploring the Park

I give this State Park a BIG thumbs up! With great hiking and biking trails and a nature center, it is a fabulous place to spend time soaking in nature! It’s also moments away from the beach! The park was pretty full when we were here. So like most places these days, make your reservations early! I booked in early September.

Over the River and Through the Swamp

Off we went looking for the allusive Venus Fly Trap and it’s carnivorous friends, the Pitcher Plant and Sundew. It was a fun little jaunt and we were able to find a few specimens. I really expected to see more. So my next bike ride was over to the nature center where I learned about the plight of the Venus Fly Trap. Found only in the long leaf pine habitats of the coastal Carolinas, the Venus Fly Trap is the typical man vs. environment story, loss of habitat, pollutants, and illegal trade. There are signs posted everywhere about the illegal removal of these delicate little plants. #savetheflytrap

Fun Fact: Venus Fly Traps don’t eat the insects that pollinate them. Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me!!

Wrightsville Beach and Wilmington

Good friends, Good times! More Good memories! From the Sigma Nu house at the College of Charleston to the beaches of North Carolina (and a crazy New Year’s Eve in NYC in the 80s), Frankie and I have been friends a long time. Dang we are old! HAHA!

After a sun-soaked day looking for sea glass on Wrightsville Beach, Frankie took us on a walk through historic Wilmington. Had another Andy Griffith moment when he showed us the courthouse building used in Matlock. (Swoon!) Enjoyed a gorgeous sunset over Cape Fear River and a delish meal at a swanky downtown restaurant. But mostly, it was just walking and talking and catching up with my friend. My heart is happy! Again! 🙂 Or still! Dang I AM the happiest girl in the whole USA…I can hear Donna singing now!

Time to Move On

After a great last night dinner at Michael’s Seafood Restaurant where we enjoyed THE best seafood chowder, it was time to head to our winter home. If nothing else you should visit Carolina Beach just to feast on their chowder! Just sayin! Goodbye, Wilmington; Hello South Carolina!