Las Vegas or Bust

Vegas isn’t the first or even last pick on our places to go, see, do! But, John’s work calls. Being the VP for Global Aces (an aircraft certification business), he “must” attend the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) conference in Las Vegas.

I had planned for several fun stops along the way from Oregon to Nevada, but the “wicked winds of the west” had other plans for us! When 65+ mph winds are forecast AND you are pulling your home behind you, you come up with plan B and C and D…

With the help of my favorite travel apps, I was able to find places to overnight at the last minute as John pushed the limits and drove 7+ hours a day.

First stop, Yreka, California. Found this free spot on Campendium. Only issue was the VERY un-level parking lot! After about 12 tries, we finally found an area where we could level. The Sunset and Moonrise were a bonus!

2nd Stop, Miller’s Rest Stop about 15 miles north of Tonopah, NV. US 95 from Reno to Vegas is a gorgeous but isolated drive. I was desperate for a potty break and there was no where to stop. So when this rest stop popped up on RV Parky I was like STOP!! Didn’t know it had designated RV only parking…for FREE! 🙂 The travel gods were definitely watching over us! We enjoyed a beautiful moment of star gazing before we crawled into bed. I was going to have to be up with the sun the next day to beat the winds that were still headed our way. Please note the sunrise picture I took; since nobody believes I am ever up to see the sunrise! LOL

Even though we didn’t have time to stop, we did see some interesting road side attractions!! The Alien Center restaurant makes a great breakfast burrito! And I must say, I am impressed with my phones ability to capture great snaps while driving.

We arrived in Las Vegas an HOUR before the winds hit. You can see the difference in the sky (see below). Our weather station clocked wind gusts up to 55 mph. And thank goodness for the Hoover Dam Lodge and Casino! They allow overnight stays in their parking lot and they have a great view of Lake Mead. I highly recommend their French Dip sandwiches! 🙂

Lake Mead and Hoover Dam

What a difference a day makes! The winds stopped and we had a beautiful morning to explore Lake Mead and Hoover Dam. The Casino is about 5 minutes from the Dam and we felt very secure leaving for a few hours.

Man maketh and man taketh away… The largest reservoir in the US, Lake Mead is currently at 50% water capacity. When building Hoover Dam, the engineers overestimated the amount of water coming in from the Colorado River and underestimated the demand as the area’s population has grown. Sadly, scientists do not believe the lake will ever be full again. You can see the dark water line in the pictures that marks the original water level.

Hoover Dam is Massive! What a thrill to drive across it to Arizona and then walk across back to Nevada! We didn’t have time for a dam tour but we met a dam security guard who was knowledgeable about its history. We forgave him for being a Bronco fan! LOL Here’s some fun dam facts:

  • Hoover Dam was built in just 5 years! 1931-1936
  • The world’s largest refrigerator was built to cool the concrete as it began setting up.
  • There’s enough concrete in the Hoover Dam to build a four foot wide sidewalk completely around the Earth! At the Equator!!
  • 86 years later, All that concrete is still curing! Predictions are it will take 125 years. They take core samples to check on the progress.
  • Oh, and there is nobody buried in all that concrete.

Time for Business

The purpose of our Las Vegas trip is so John can attend the NBAA Conference. Doesn’t he clean up nice!! Our home for the next 5 days – Sam’s Town KOA. While John “worked,” I relaxed! Haha! Got caught up on laundry and planning our next adventures.

Time for Fun

Sunrise Mountain is a popular hiking spot in Vegas. It was also a favorite place of John’s Uncle Bill and his 2 Grandpas. So we made a visit up the steep trail in the wind to honor them! 🙂

Couldn’t resist wearing Our colors outside our rival’s stadium. I will give the Raider’s this, Allegiant Stadium is impressive! It was fun watching the Raider’s faces when they saw us walking around! GO CHAWKS!!

The highlight of our time in Vegas was celebrating John’s birthday at Rodizio Brazilian Steakhouse. It was over the top delicious! The cuts of meat were cooked to perfection, from tender lamb, mouth watering filet mignon medallions and tri-tip to the garlic infused sirloin. We both left in a red meat coma! But, not before a decadent chocolate cake and a Portuguese Happy Birthday Song! Happy Birthday my Love!

Time to Be…

…sing along…Leaving Las Vegas!! 🙂 Next Destination? The Grandest of Canyons!