Standin’ on a Corner

In Winslow, Arizona! This has been on my Bucket List for years. I’ve traveled past Winslow several times and never stopped. That wasn’t happening this time!

Home Base for this excursion was Meteor Crater RV Park just off I-40 west of Winslow. It’s a small park with big rig friendly sites. They had a small laundry area and didn’t mind us washing the dust off the Beast! Best of All…The Fun Folks we met! Our daily happy hours were epic fun!! 🙂 Here’s a money saving tip… If you’re going to visit the Meteor Crater, get your tickets online before you register at the RV park. It will save you 20%, which is better than the Good Sams discount. Plus, you save on ticket cost when you buy online. Win! Win!

Take it Easy

Started our a day at the Winslow Chamber of Commerce/Visitor’s Center. You find the best info from the folks at these visitor’s center. They love to share stories about their towns. And we were not disappointed! The gentleman here was a natural story teller. We could have listened for hours. My favorite story… I was standing in the exact same place with the exact same pose as Jackson Brown a week earlier! How cool is that!! 🙂 The building itself is a destination. It was one of Lorenzo Hubbell’s Navajo Trading Companies built in the 1920s on Route 66. Yep, Route 66 goes through Winslow! It has been restored and now is home to an eclectic mix of Eagles and Route 66 memorabilia intermixed with Navajo art. You MUST make it your 1st stop when visiting Winslow!

The Iconic Corner! Such a fine sight to see! What a thrill standing on the corner with other Eagles fans while their music played in the background. I think everyone had a peaceful, easy feeling! 🙂 It really was FUN! And I had a great time shopping for Eagles stuff!

What else is there to do in Winslow??? Well, there’s good eats at Bojo’s. I had a delicious Navajo Taco! Almost as good as the Indian Tacos at MAAIC in Wichita. After lunch, we wandered around and found an interesting totem pole, a choo-choo train, and another Harvey House designed by Mary Colter! Before the Eagles made Winslow a popular destination, it was a stop on the Sante Fe line and later on Route 66.

Little Painted Desert

We finished our day trip to Winslow with a drive out to the Little Painted Desert, about 15 miles north of Winslow. It’s a small county park that seems to be forgotten about. The signs and bathroom are in need of repair and there is a small amount of graffiti and trash. I still found it to be quite lovely, in an other worldly kind of way. Nature continues to thrill me with unusual landscapes and colors!

Meteor Crater

Speaking of other worldly! Traveling at 26,000 miles per hour some half billion years ago a huge space rock collided right here! Even Garmin agrees there’s a big hole! 🙂 To understand the scope of this enormous hole, imagine 20 football fields sitting on its floor while more than 2 million fans could watch from the sloping sides! Gotta love the football analogy!! LOL

Before viewing the crater, you wander through the museum. The 4D theater presentation of “Collision,” gives you an understanding of the enormous impact of the crater and how scientists learned that it was indeed a crater impact and not volcanic.

It’s worth the drive if you’re in the area.

Time to don my new favorite T-shirt and head on down the desert highway before it gets dark! (hee-hee!)